Tres Awesome photographer scouts the Lollapalooza look

It’s true all the world’s a stage. And for a Chicago street-style photographer, it’s a runway as well.

Leo Burnett art director by day, Emma Arnold, 35, started documenting Chicagoan’s sartorial style more than two years ago. The photographer posted her finds on her blog and before long, sought her out to capture the stylish on Chicago’s music festival scene.

Arnold will be at Grant Park this weekend for Lollapalooza, and besides shooting the acts, she will be scouting music fans who have compelling looks.

“I look for somebody where it is evident they have thought through their ensemble,” Arnold said. “More than ‘this is clean, I’ll put it it on.’ Someone who takes style seriously and put some thought into how they choose to present themselves to the world.”

Dressing for a music festival — and shooting photographs of concertgoers — is one fashion scene where function trumps form. But don’t think this crowd necessarily opts for sneakers and jean shorts.

“There’s all kinds of practical consideration [for dressing for a music festival],” Arnold said. “It’s outside, potentially muddy, but still requires an interesting combination. It’s a space for fantastic flats and outrageous jewelry. I like how flamboyance counters the practicality.”

That’s not to say Arnold hasn’t suffered for her art — and the Lollapalooza catwalks. While the photographer plans to sport a pair of flat boots this year, she has been known to go higher.

“When I first started, I tortured myself wearing heels all three days,” she said. “This year there may be some combo, but I’ll wear boots.”

The fashion photographer finds festivals — Lollapalooza, Pitchfork, North Coast — an easier assignment than New York Fashion Week.

“There’s a big difference from shooting at Fashion Week,” she said. “It’s primarily the attitude of the subject — it’s a fun, joyful time where people let loose. At Fashion Week, people are chic and elegant, but at a festival people are there to have a good time, which makes them so much more approachable.”

Find the photographer on Twitter or Instagram and she may just find you.

Originally published in the Chicago Sun-Times on August 3, 2012.

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