Zengeler collects more than 4,000 dresses to help Chicago’s Glass Slipper Project

When Cinderella went to the ball, she didn’t have a choice. It was blue dress with a carefully-orchestrated sash and as a precursor to today’s impossibly tall heels — highly impractical glass slippers. And Cinderella didn’t get to keep her ensemble. That’s not the case for Chicago high schoolers who shop the Glass Slipper Project’s … Read more

Cambridge Satchel Company has bright beginning

By Meg Moore While heading to fashion shows in New York City or running errands in Chicago, street style photographers stop the fashionable to pose for pictures. Prior to owning my fluorescent pink Cambridge satchel, the only time a photographer asked to take my picture was to shoot 17 different angles of my nose for … Read more

Jena Gambaccini fashions her career as a blogger

By Meg Moore First things first: Jena Gambaccini doesn’t shy away from much — bright colors and high-end fashion are but two areas where she stands front and center. The Northbrook native began her love affair with her heels while working at Never Enough Shoes in Lincolnshire. During her college years at Miami University she … Read more

Charity takes to the runway at annual Maryville Crisis Nursery fundraising luncheon and show

Kelly Golden is known for her incredible taste and her refined temple to fashion, Winnetka’s high-end boutique neapolitan collection. But she’s also known for her unwavering support of the Maryville Crisis Nursery — and hosts the annual Shower of Hope luncheon and fashion show to raise awareness and secure baby gifts and donations for the … Read more

Tres Awesome photographer scouts the Lollapalooza look

It’s true all the world’s a stage. And for a Chicago street-style photographer, it’s a runway as well. Leo Burnett art director by day, Emma Arnold, 35, started documenting Chicagoan’s sartorial style more than two years ago. The photographer posted her finds on her blog and before long, elle.com sought her out to capture the … Read more